Advanced Open Water Diver


Enhance your scuba skills and explore deeper waters with Advanced Open Water. Perfect for certified divers seeking adventure, advanced techniques, and new underwater experiences.

Advanced Open Water Certification: Elevate Your Diving Skill

The Open Water Diver certificate is just the beginning of diving education. The next logical step is to complete the Advanced Open Water Diver course, wAdvanced Open Water Certification: Elevate Your Diving Skillhich is designed to improve diving skills and introduce five areas of specialty diving under the watchful eye of an instructor.

The Advanced Open Water class requires only one evening to complete, and provides the theory behind specialty diving. This newfound knowledge will be applied during the five Advanced Open Water training dives.

Course fee includes class, Advanced manual, DVD, slate, and PADI certification fees. Advanced Open Water training dive trips are priced at the certification diver price and can be completed on any Peachtree Dive Center sponsored trip. Equipment rental is additional.

Course Format: One class session and five advanced Open Water training dives conducted over two or more days.

Prerequisites: PADI Jr. Open Water Diver or Open Water Diver certification, or an equivalent certification rating from another recognized training agency.

Cost: $155.00

Core Dives

Two of the Advanced Open Water training dives are "core dives" which introduce some of the more common skills and diving environments.

Deep Diving - expands the understanding of air management, time/depth limitations, pressure/volume relationships, safety stops/ascent rates, color absorption and more.

Underwater Navigation - increases confidence underwater by improving both compass and natural navigation skills.

Elective Dives

Elective dives from any of ten specialty areas further increase diving skills and expand enjoyment of the underwater world. The elective dives are Night Diving, Wreck Diving, Boat Diving, Drift Diving, Search and Recovery, Underwater Naturalist, Underwater Photography, Dry Suit, Multi-Level, Peak Performance Buoyancy and Altitude diver.

Specialty Diver Certification Credit

Advanced Open Water Diver certification is a prerequisite for many of the PADI Specialty Diver certifications. The specialty dives made during the Advanced Open Water Diver course may count as one of the required dives for that particular specialty certification.

Please complete the Medical Statement form prior to your first class.

Advanced Open Water Elective Dives

Among the more popular elective dives for the completion of the Advanced Open Water Certification are:

  • Night Diver: Enhances diving options by expanding diving beyond the daylight hours.
  • Wreck Diver: Circumnavigate the exterior of a wreck without penetrating it. Penetration diving requires specialized training and equipment, and should not be attempted by untrained individuals.
  • Multi-Level Diver: Plan and execute a multi-level dive using PADI's Recreational Dive Planner, The Wheel.
  • Underwater Photographer: Learn the basic principles of taking pictures underwater.
  • Boat Diver: Learn the proper etiquette for diving from the confined space of a boat, and how to safely exit and re-board the boat for an enjoyable dive.
  • Drift Diver: Discover the effortless enjoyment of drift diving, and understand the special procedures necessary for a successful drift dive.
  • Underwater Naturalist: Learn how to answer that most often asked question by divers and snorkelers . . . "What kind of fish was that?"
  • Peak Performance Buoyancy: Master buoyancy control and take weight off your weight system for a more enjoyable and environmentally friendly dive.

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